How to know how much money you’ll keep after your home sale.

How much money do you get to keep when you sell your home? Too many people oversimplify this estimate. Here’s a list of the seven things you could expect to pay:

1. Mortgage

2. Title fees

3. Realtor commissions

4. HOA transfer fees

5. Staging costs

6. Repairs to the property

7. Concessions to your buyer

As you can see, there are a lot of expenses that could come up. The best way to accurately get the number that goes into your checking account is to reach out to one of our agents who will run a detailed net sheet for you after having a quick conversation about your property. Reach out to us today by phone or text at (480) 267-9368 or by email at to set up that session right away. We’re always happy to hear from you.